There are many types of pallet packaging that are offered by numerous wooden pallet manufacturers. Working with us, you can always choose the best solution that suits your purposes the best. Buy or rent new or used high-quality items to optimize your supply chain with WELL PACK Pallet service.

Consult our experts if you are not sure about necessary specifications. We offer all types and variations of pallets made of wood and even more, you can order the individual design for your trays to make them branded.


Around 500 million of such containers are in circulation worldwide. This is the strongest brand on the market recognized internationally as a unified quality standard. This production undergoes stringent control that ensures cargo security during its transportation and increases the efficiency of your logistics. We always have EPAL pallets for sale in many countries throughout Europe.

Their basic standard sizes are

  • 800 mm × 1,200 mm (EURO 1)
  • 1,200 mm × 1,000 mm (EUR 2)
  • 1000 mm × 1,200mm (EUR 3)
  • 1200mm x 1200mm (four-way pallet)

This standardization facilitates their application in many cases, e.g., for warehouse racking systems.

They are mandatory marked with a label that provides information on treatment, country code, license, and IPPC mark. The EPAL label is the oval and is put on all edge blocks of an item. Every new pallet is marked with a control sign as it certifies its manufacture and proves that the licence fee is paid. All our items are ISO, UIC, and IPPC certified.


This type of production is manufactured according to the UIC standard. This standard is developed by the International union of railways and covers particular demand for packaging of goods transported by all means of transport, especially by rail. The items are marked with EUR, EPAL, and ISPM 15 labels.

The main EUR pallet mark is on the right side of an item in an oval, while the left side is labeled with a UIC sign. Every new pallet is marked with a control sign as it certifies its manufacture and proves that the licence fee is paid.


The abbreviation stands for “Chemical Pallets,” and they are in high demand in European chemical industry. Their basic standard sizes are

  • 800 mm × 1,200 mm (CP 2)
  • 1,200 mm × 1,000 mm (CP 1)
  • 1,140 mm × 1,140mm (CP 3)

All of them have height of 138 mm.

We offer the range of standard sizes from CP 1 up to CP 9. CP 1-5 are classical 4-way items used for the chemical industry while CP 6-9 are classical bottom frame ones used for the polymer industry.


They are also called half pallets because of their dimensions which are smaller than the standard EUR1 form. Their standard size is 600 x 800 mm. They are ideal to save space and can be easily moved due to their lighter weight. That is why these trays are highly demanded to carry the flow of goods between the manufacturer and retail.


The most popular standard pallet size in the UK is 1200 x 1000 mm. It is sometimes considered being the national one though there are some other variants that are still widely used. We offer British pallets with such characteristics:

  • UK Standard (Class A) – load capacity up to 1000 kg
  • UK Standard (Class B) – load capacity up to 750 kg
  • UK Standard (Class C) – load capacity up to 500 kg

This type of trays is intended for a one-time trip when shipping goods. They are not standardized and that is why their shapes and sizes vary. Both hardwood and softwood can be used for production.


These trays have the same advantages as standard ones but without the restrictions of set dimensions. They do not comply with standards and may be nearly of any size, form, or color specified by the client’s needs. Their load specifications may also vary. The choice depends on the type of transported goods, transport means, and the customer’s individual desire.


You can always order custom-made design solutions changing the color of your containers for any you want or putting your logo on the side of the item. But actually this may be any picture or color that will stand your company out among others. This is a good way to express yourself.


NEW PALLETS 800-1200 AND 1000-1200

These sizes are basic for most standards and are common for heavy duty pallets, black plastic pallets, or any other type of trays. New items can usually have many trips before requiring the slightest repair. If used and maintained properly, they will remain in circulation for a long time. Making a purchase at our company, you can be sure that you have a full guarantee of quality.


All our used EUR pallets are restored and ready for reuse, and our wooden items are as reliable as the used plastic pallets for sale. The color of wood is light, but not like of a new tray. It may demonstrate the signs of wear (light soiling, marks of repeated use), has been handled a bit, but has no signs of serious damage or repairs. It hasn’t been in circulation as long as its dark analog.


Their color is much darker than of new ones. Small chips can be found on their surfaces. Completely different colors may appear on them as a result of repairs and other manipulations. It is necessary to note that any damaged item undergoes only those manipulations that are in accordance with the UIC 435-2 standard. After them, the tray can be returned into circulation.